Pastor's Notes

Pastor's Notes

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 10/25/24

“If only all the people of the Lord were prophets! If only the Lord would bestow his spirit on them!” (Numbers 11:29). I’ve been talking to parishioner participation the last few weeks. Last week, I spoke about our need to fully, actively, and consciously engage in our participation at ... Read More »

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 10/25/24

Last week, I wrote of how creation itself in the fall gives a glimpse of God’s Glory. This is hardly a new insight. Every two weeks on Sunday, priests, religious, and some laity will pray the Canticle of Daniel during Morning Prayer (Daniel 3:57-88). It reminds us that just ... Read More »

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 10/25/24

The New Albany Deanery Schools, including HFS, start Fall Break this weekend. The school year is quickly passing. This always reminds me of how quickly life is passing by. Days into weeks into months into years, all in a blink of an eye. It is good to pause and ... Read More »

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 9/27/24

I have a copy of the picture at the left hanging in the Rectory Chapel. It is by the famous painter Caravaggio from 1605-06. Caravaggio is one of my favorite painter with his famous use of chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro comes from the Italian words chiaro, meaning “light” and curo, meaning ... Read More »

2023-2024 State of the Parish Report

Posted by Maria Franxman on 9/23/24

View the 2023-2024 State of the Parish Report here. 

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 8/27/24

This weekend, we bring to a close our reading of selections from chapter 6 of John’s Gospel. John 6 is often called the “Bread of Life” Discourse since the chapter started with the feeding of the multitude by multiplying 5 barley loaves and 2 fish and ends with Jesus’ ... Read More »

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 8/01/24

This summer seems to have flown by. It is a little hard to get my head around school children returning to our classrooms, halls, playground, and church. The buildings always seem a bit empty without them, but there have been plenty of adults around – mostly contractors of a ... Read More »

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 7/19/24

A few weeks back, I spent Monday evening through Thursday morning at Saint Meinrad School of Theology with about 90% of the priests serving in parishes & Archdiocesan offices for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Under Archbishop Thompson, the ArchIndy Priest Convocation has become an annual event (prior to, it ... Read More »

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 7/15/24

Take this, all of you, and eat of it, For this is my Body Take this, and drink from it, for this is the Chalice of my Blood

The National Eucharistic Congress is this week – July 17-22! I will be attending Thursday & Friday (18 & 19, so ... Read More »

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 7/15/24

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” Matthew 16:24

This week, the National Eucharistic Procession passes through the New Albany Deanery. On Tuesday July 9th, Jesus Christ, Truly Present in the Eucharist, will cross the Big Four Bridge carried by ... Read More »


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