Pastor's Notes

Pastor's Notes

5th Sunday of Lent

Posted by Maria Franxman on 3/24/23

In the Gospel this weekend, we hear of the Lazarus being raised from the dead. He was in the tomb 4 days. There are many things we can learn from this amazing experience. Jesus demonstrates by His mastery over even death that He is indeed ‘the Way, the Truth, ... Read More »

4th Sunday of Lent

Posted by Maria Franxman on 3/16/23

Examination of Conscience according to the Seven Deadly Sins The history of Seven Deadly Sins goes back at least to Pope St. Gregory the Great (590-604 ad). While the list itself is not strictly biblical, the Bible reveals all seven areas as affronts to God. This is a helpful ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Lent

Posted by Maria Franxman on 3/10/23

THE ORDER OF PENANCE – A TIMELINE OF EVENTS AND DEVELOPMENT Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions – Webinar Handout 25 October 2022

Institution              [Jesus said to his disciples:] “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; whose sins you shall retain, they are retained” (John 20:22-23).

... Read More »

2nd Sunday of Lent

Posted by Maria Franxman on 3/03/23

Starting on Ash Wednesday, the Prayer of Absolution that a priest prays with, for, and over a contrite penitent changed. The Rite for Penance was recently revised and updated with a new translation. Similar to 2011 when the prayers of the Mass were updated with a revised translation of ... Read More »

1st Sunday of Lent

Posted by Kelli Reutman on 2/24/23

Tonight or last night depending on when you’re reading this, I joined many of the parents and benefactors of our Holy Family School & Preschool ministry for a wonderful night of “Murder at Plantation Hall”! Nothing says fun like a little ‘who dunnit?’ The annual HFS Gala & Auction ... Read More »

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 2/17/23

Thank You! On behalf of the Guatemalan family that will be receiving a new home because of your generosity, Thank you! For the third year in a row, members of the Holy Family family reached beyond themselves to help a family they’ve never met, nor seen, nor ever likely ... Read More »

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 2/10/23

For some people, this weekend is all about Football, given the Sunday night Super Bowl LVII. While I admit I don’t follow football or any particular team, I do watch the occasional game. And I will be watching the Super Bowl with some brother priests this weekend. I don’t ... Read More »

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 2/10/23

Dear Parishioners, benefactors, and visitors to Holy Family Catholic Parish

Last summer, Archbishop Thompson granted me permission to plan and undertake a 4-month sabbatical to take place between June to September of 2023.

This sabbatical is at my request. This decision was made after much prayer and consultation. To ... Read More »

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 1/24/23

 “In its declaration Gravissimum Educationis [Vatican II: Declaration on Christian Education, 1965] the Council offered a set of “fundamental principles” regarding Christian education, especially in schools. In the first place, education, as the formation of the human person, is a universal right: “All men of every race, condition and ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Posted by Maria Franxman on 1/20/23

“As persons created in the image of a good and loving God, we are called to have a profound reverence and respect for all living things and, indeed, for all of creation—both the visible and the invisible realities in our universe. All life is sacred, but especially all human ... Read More »


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