Parish Safe Environment
Scroll to the bottom of the webpage for step-by-step instructions on how to access Safe Parish.
Safe Environment Training & Maintenance Policy
Safe Parish is the name of the safe environment and child protection program of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The program builds awareness of how to recognize and report physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and child sexual abuse. All new clergy, staff, and volunteers must complete their Safe Parish program before they begin their employment/ministry. Once completed, you will need to renew your training every 5-years.
There are 3 areas of Safe Environment Training that all volunteers must complete:
- Safe Parish online training
This program is designed to increase one's awareness of and recognition of the signs of child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, child emotional abuse, and child neglect. It also provides information on reporting procedures and requirements. -
Background Check
This is required to screen known sex offenders from participating in ministries with children and to determine any potential risks or limitations for a specific volunteer position - Code of Conduct Form
This form describes the conduct expectations for all people (employees & volunteers) ministering within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, especially those working with children.
Who is Required to Sign Up for this Program?
Teachers, staff, and all volunteers who minister to or work with minor children must meet all the requirements of this program. If you are 18 years of age or older and you volunteer for a ministry that interacts with minor children here at Holy Family Parish and school, you must comply with all the requirements. The Archdiocese requires the following ministries to participate:
All Parish/School Staff | Chaperones | Custodians (school/parish) | St Vincent de Paul Society |
Babysitters for any ministry | School Commission | Maintenance (school/parish) | In Heavens Eyes |
Day Care Workers | School Volunteers | Clerical/Office Workers | Altar Server Coordinator Ushers |
Extended Care Workers | Parent Teacher Org. (PTO) | Sacramental Preparation | Clergy |
Athletic Director/Board | Tutors | Catechists | (List is not exhaustive) |
School Athletics | Youth Group Ministry | Children's Lit. of the Word | |
Coaching staff/volunteers | Cafeteria workers | Scouts (all ages, boys/girls) |
If a Ministry/Activity interacts with children at all, Safe Parish applies to all adults!
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 812-944-8283 ext. 0 or visit:
Instructions for Completing the Safe Parish Training:
- Visit (click URL link to access training).
- Click "Login", then click on "Register".
- You will need the passcode: Archindy2021
- When registering, it is very important to click the "Volunteer" box, not "employee"
- Then, next to the word volunteer, a new freeform box pops up where you need to indicate where you volunteer. (i.e. School, Hospitality, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Musician, In Heaven's Eyes (IHE), Saint Vincent DePaul, CFF, CLOW, etc. (PLEASE DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!)
- Then, click "next"
- Click on the "training" tab to watch the videos. Follow the prompts to the end.
- At some point during the training, you will be asked to submit a background check. We much have this background check for you to be compliant.