Christian Service Ministries

St. Vincent de Paul

A group of individuals who work on a voluntary basis, serving the spiritual and material needs of the needy. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is not restricted by boundaries, but concentrates primarily on parishioners and individuals in the immediate area. Among the many activities of St. Vincent de Paul is the distribution of food, clothing and other items. Other activities include visiting shut-ins, hospitalized patients, nursing homes and counseling for needy individuals. The organization is funded entirely by the generosity of Holy Family Parishioners.

For more information, contact Dan Schoenfelder, President, or the Parish Office.


In Heaven’s Eyes

The mission of “In Heaven’s Eyes” is to show God’s love by providing clothing, spiritual meaning and comfort to the poor, lost and needy.  Volunteers may assist in this ministry by:

  • Prayer
  • Donate, sort and distribute clothes, toys and blankets (in good condition)
  • Donate food and/or assist in providing brown bag lunches on Saturdays
  • Make a monetary donation.
  • Serving the homeless on Wednesday nights with Exit 0 Ministries

For more information, contact David Schraffenberger, (812) 923-3629.


vyxxxm1nkx82d1k66qej8w8r5xl.jpgPro-Life Committee

The Pro-Life Committee’s mission is to promote the truth that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. We work to educate and inform others about the sanctity of human life. We work closely with the Right to Life of Southern Indiana, assisting with fund-raisers, community awareness on life issues, educating youth in our annual value of life contest and being a presence for Life at local fair booths.

Specifically, our activities include the annual Signature for Life Ad Campaign in the local newspapers, Mother’s Day roses sale, Value of Life Contest for students, fair booth education for the public, and the baby bottle boomerang fund-raiser for St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities. For more information, or to become involved in this ministry you may contact Lynn Hesse at or (812) 945-1854


Disaster Preparedness Planning Team

Our Disaster Preparedness Planning Team works to educate our parishioners and prepare our church campus for emergencies. We have also been planning responses in the case of emergencies in the area. We are a Shelter Partner with the American Red Cross and will be opened as a shelter should the need arise. We have been making plans, recruiting volunteers, and training volunteers to be partners in a shelter operation. We welcome anyone who would like to be a part of emergency preparations to join us on the team. Contact Ron Webber at 923-8621 or

Click here to view an emergency preparation booklet for your own home.

During the summer months, unusually high temperatures can occur that can be a life threatening condition. Heat waves are particularly dangerous for children, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions. Please check on your neighbors and offer them assistance. Heat related illnesses can become medical emergencies quickly – call 911.

Click here for a booklet on Heat Preparedness in the hot summer months.