BAPTISM | Baptism is the sacramental “doorway” through which people enter into the divine life of God, the Body of Christ which is the Church, and the life-long school of discipleship in Jesus. Baptism removes original sin and strengthens our broken humanity.
- Infant Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
- Parents who have not previously received pre-baptismal instruction OR who have not received instruction within the past three (3) years are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class.
- We encourage godparents to attend this class as well.
- Parents who are not registered members of Holy Family will be asked to present a letter from the parish they are attending giving permission for the baptism to be celebrated here.
- Parents who are not registered members of any parish will meet with the pastor before attending baptismal preparation.
- Contact Kristina Seipel to schedule infant baptisms.
Sacrament of Baptism Guidelines
CONFIRMATION | Confirmation is the sealing of Christian Initiation with the gift of the Holy Spirit who strengthens us to live as Christ calls us to live.
- For Confirmation preparation, please contact Abbi Harbeson.
- Confirmation is required for being a godparent or a sponsor. It is strongly encouraged before entering Matrimony.
2020-21 Confirmation Schedule and Guidelines
Confirmation Registration Form
Confirmation Video Discussion Questions
HOLY EUCHARIST | Holy Eucharist is the gift of the Lord’s true Body and Blood. In the Mass, the sacrifice of Calvary is remembered and made present by the Holy Spirit. Through the Eucharist, followers of Jesus are strengthened in bonds of charity and faith with all those who hold and profess the Catholic Faith.
- Preparation for Holy Eucharist for Adults is done through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). RCIA is the process through which interested adults and older children are BROUGHT INTO the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. Formation typically begins in August and concludes at the Easter Vigil. Contact the parish office at (812) 944-8283 to begin the process.
- Children are prepared for First Eucharist in the 2nd grade. Children must have had at least one full year of catechesis prior to the year in which they will make the sacrament. If your child is past this age for making First Eucharist, s/he will participate in the RCIC (the RCIA process described above but adapted for children). Please contact Kristina Seipel for more information!
RECONCILIATION | The sacramental confession of sins is the ordinary way in which Catholics find forgiveness for sins committed after Baptism.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is celebrated Tuesdays 5:30-5:50 p.m., Saturdays after 8:00 a.m. Mass until 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 – 4:45 p.m., Sundays 5:00-5:50 p.m. or by request and appointment.
- Children’s preparation for Reconciliation is held during the 2nd grade year for both Holy Family School and the Catholic Faith Formation classes. Please contact Kristina Seipel for more information!
MATRIMONY | In Holy Matrimony the life-long love of husband and wife becomes a sign of Christ’s love and faithfulness to his spouse, the Church.
- All Catholics are required to have their marriage witnessed by a priest or deacon unless dispensed.
- The Archdiocese of Indianapolis requires a six-month window for marriage preparation.
- Couples should first contact the pastor prior to these six months – Fr. Jeremy Gries, (812) 944-8283 ext. 1
HOLY ORDERS | Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders the Lord Jesus renews his gift of leadership in the Church; first through his bishops, the successors of the apostles, and then through their delegated priest and deacons.
- Men who are interested in becoming priests or permanent deacons may contact our pastor, Father Jeremy Gries at (812) 944-8283 ext. 1 or Father Eric Augenstein, Archdiocese of Indianapolis Vocation Director, at (800-382-9836).
- The Archdiocese Vocations Office can be found online at
ANOINTING OF THE SICK | Through laying on of hands and anointing with blessed oil the priest brings Christ’s healing love to those who are in danger of death or seriously burdened with infirmities.
- In an emergency call Fr. Jeremy Gries at (812) 944-8283x1.
- Celebrated upon request at home or in the hospital. If you or someone you assist is in the hospital and would like Fr. Gries to visit, please call the parish office.