Browsing Pastor's Notes

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

If only all the people of the Lord were prophets! If only the Lord would bestow his spirit on them!” (Numbers 11:29). I’ve been talking to parishioner participation the last few weeks. Last week, I spoke about our need to fully, actively, and consciously engage in our participation at the Sacred Liturgy. Whether that is from the pew or from a particular liturgical ministry, it is participation of the heart, mind, and soul that matters most.

Equally true of such participation in our engagement with the greater parish life. We are blessed with wonderful parishioners who do a wide array of ministries here at Holy Family. As I sit writing this (a few weeks before publication), one of our actively engaged parishioners has been trimming the grass and blowing the lot clean. Another has been assisting in the office, answering calls, greeting visitors & parishioners, and tending to some clerical duties. Another was checking on the flowers and the church environment for the upcoming weekend liturgies. Another was handling a request for St Vincent de Paul. Earlier in the week others were tending to the donations & meals for In Heaven’s Eyes. Yesterday, a dedicated ‘handyman’ checked on a small leak we discovered as he worked his way through a never ending list of ‘could you please take a look at…” This doesn’t even address the parent engagement in the various activities, sports, and endeavors of our school ministry. We have people participating. I know it. I see it. I am immensely grateful. We would not be the wonderful Holy Family family without such participation.

However, I still write these columns on participation, because not everyone is. Plain and simple. I realize there are many reasons for this. Some have physical limitations. Everyone is short on time. And certain tasks may not match your talent sets. I know some have offered to help, only to have no one ‘get back to me.’ It happens. Part of participation is not needing to be hand held through every little step. Every wondered who walks through the church to put up the kneelers left down, put the hymnals left on the pew in the racks, and pick up all the left behind used tissues (yuk!) – your pastor and other participating parishioners. Many such parishioners just do it, because they see it needs done. Participating in parish life as part of the Holy Family family shapes, forms, and practices here & now what it means to be a saint. A person dedicated to love of God & neighbor in word & deed. We don’t participate for our own glory but for the good of others… which in the end is our good too! Pray about it. Open your heart (& your calendar) to further participation, and you will grow in God’s Grace and holiness.

Last week, Dan Schoenfelder spoke of the important ministry of charity provided by the local St Vincent de Paul. We took up a dedicated second offering to help fund their work. Every week people offer checks & cash through the parish office for this vital outreach. Yet, as necessary as it is to have funds to help folks in need with food, furniture, rent & utilities, is the immense need for people to actively participate in the direct hands-on work of St Vincent de Paul. There is a small crew of furniture movers & delivers. There are folks who respond to calls, verify needs, and assist with the financial disbursements. There are dedicated people who assemble and deliver the Thanksgiving & Easter meal baskets. Yet there are always more openings for people to assist with carrying the burdens and responsibilities of feeding the hungry & housing the homeless than those willing to step forward and participate. Dan & I are both proud of and thankful for your financial support last weekend and at other times of the year. Yet, could you participate in time & energy as well?

People have been doing similar efforts to participate in the Exit 0 ministry to transient and under-housed folks in the community through In Heaven’s Eyes. Other long time crews have been assisting with Saturday lunch programs in the area. A few years back, through In Heaven’s Eyes, the parishioners began providing a ‘Monday Meal’ for the resident moms & children in St Elizabeth Catholic Charities residential program. We can always use new folks to partner together in participating to bring a meal to these exceptional women & children changing their lives and setting a better course.  

Likewise, there is link on our parish website to help you get plugged into additional Mission Opportunities here at Holy Family:


Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.

Holy Family, Fully Participating in the Father’s Plan, Pray for us.


~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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