Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

Magdalenes: Women's Ministry

We are made for community – relationship with God and with others. Magdelenes exists to provide space for just that: prayer and friendship. Women of all ages gather for a video, prayer, and discussion about a topic of faith in a small group setting. Join us as we, as St. Mary Magdalene did, hear the Lord call us each by name.

Winter 2025 Magdalenes: "Holy Women, Modern Lives"

Presented by Sr. Katie Cummings and Sr. Jill Reuber, Sisters of St. Benedict

Mondays 6 - 7 p.m. (January 27, February 10 & 24, March 3 & 24, and April 7)

Register Here

Fridays for Fathers: Men's Ministry

Forty-five minutes for more Faithful Fathers. Men of the parish are called Into the Breach to be strengthened so as to strengthen others. Meetings are in the Day Activities Center, Friday mornings from 6:15-7:15am. See the parish calendar for exact dates. Coffee and a continental breakfast will be provided. Contact Fr. Gries at with any questions.

Root Groups

One way we grow as disciples is by engaging in fellowship with other Catholic Christians.  A great way to do this is in a Root Group with fellow Holy Family parishioners!  Root group members are in a similar stage of life and gather to share Food, Faith, Prayer, and Support.  Root Groups are a place to be known, to be transformed, and to grow as disciples by journeying together.

To join a Root Group, contact Kristina Seipel at or at the parish office.

For resources running your Root Group, check out our Google Site for a Guide Book, Content, and Discussion.


Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

OCIA is for anyone who is interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic and for someone who has been baptized Catholic, but never received First Communion and Confirmation. Please contact Fr. Jeremy Gries at (812) 944-8283 ext 1.

The process consists of weekly meetings during which we share the gospel and introduce Catholic teachings. These meetings begin in the fall and culminate at the Easter Vigil when participants receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. The process also includes on-going formation after Easter.

If you have an interest in being involved as a sponsor or catechist, please contact Kristina Seipel at or ext. 4.


First and Third Wednesday Adoration

There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9am to 9pm the first Wednesday of every month. You are welcome to stop by at any time, for any amount of time. If you would like to sign up for a committed hour each month, please contact Paul Stiller at



Opportunities to Serve

Faith Formation Commission

The Faith Formation Commission meets quarterly to guide the religious education of the parish by assessing parish religious educational needs and planning for future programs.

If you would like to join any of these formation programs, or if you have any questions or suggestions for these or other areas of interest, please feel free to contact the Parish Office.