Staff Member: Abbi Harbeson
Abbi Harbeson
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Phone: (812) 944-8283 ext. 8
Email: Click Here to Email
Hello friends! I grew up in Jeffersonville, Indiana, attending St. Anthony Parish and School. I graduated from Our Lady of Providence High School in 2016. From spending so much time in Catholic school and being extremely involved in youth ministry, I had the unique experience of being able to explore faith and life as a young person.
I knew that I always wanted to work with young people and had a desire to continue work in ministry. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Theological Studies from Saint Joseph’s College.
I am Chick-Fil-A’s biggest fan, love to write poetry, and enjoy a good walk with friends.
It is a great honor to help build the Kingdom here at Holy Family! I pray that our ministry glorifies God and that we can continue to allow our young people to grow in love for Him!