Archdiocese of Indianapolis United Catholic Appeal
+ Pledge Weekend +
Every Gift Gives Hope for Tomorrow is the theme for this year’s appeal. “This theme is so appropriate for 2020 as we continue to struggle through a global pandemic. Most of us are trying to remain hopeful in the midst of fear, isolation, quarantine, illness, death, loss of work, risky work, lack of resources, and much more. I believe giving hope gets us hope for the one receiving as well as the one giving. What could be more welcomed in our world today than giving hope?” (Tom Yost, OLPH, witnessing on behalf of the UCA).
Hope is more than a tagline, slogan, or catchphrase intended to play upon our emotional sensitivities. Hope for the Catholic Christian is an essential aspect of our Faith-filled lives of discipleship. Hope is a theological virtue, meaning it is a gift freely given and infused in us by God through the power of the Holy Spirit. God desires for us to be people of hope, because hope shows our trust in His Divine Providence, especially in the face of conflict, challenge, and the Cross. Our call as Christian people is to bring the Gospel to all persons who need hope. Hope in God’s presence. Hope in the goodness of one’s neighbor to assist. Hope in one’s innate human value.
Please consider personally supporting the UCA by your pledge and financial gift by returning your completed pledge card. It can be turned in by mail, dropping it off at Mass in-person, or donate online:
Last year 35% of Holy Family households made a pledge and the parish pledges exceeded our goal. Whether we make our goal or not, I’d be encouraged to see another increase in our parish participation rate (last year our participation rate went up 9%!) Holy Family’s parish goal for this year is $72,175. I’ve already made a pledge, and I invite you to join me. Thank you for living and acting in hope.
Holy Family, Infused with Hope, Pray for us.
~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries