With some folks rolling off the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Council, and the Liturgy Committee, I am looking for new colleagues. If you or someone you know would bring a faithful, Spirit-filled, mission-oriented, community-minded, Catholic-Christian perspective to these committees with some practical skill sets, please reach out to me or the chair to further discuss. |
Thank you and Welcome to Beth Blank who has recently agreed to utilize her talents and time in service to the parish on the Finance Council. Beth works in banking and brings a wealth of experience (pun intended) and keen insights. I look forward to working with her in this area. Beth and her daughter Samantha are also regular lectors at Mass. So thank you for your engagement in the life of our Holy Family family.
How do these committees serve our Holy Family family?
The Parish Pastoral Council is meant to be a representative body of the Holy Family family. The Council serves an advisory role to the pastor and supports the community aspect of the Parish as it strives to be proclaim the Gospel and building the kingdom of God. They provide advice and feedback, communicate needs to the pastor, assisting with future visioning, strategic planning, and implementation. The Council deliberates and decides by common agreement matters for which they are responsible - such as Liturgy, spiritual life, faith formation, education, service, and facilities. The Council members assist as liaisons with various other parish committees, groups, and organizations. The Parish Council ordinarily meets 6 times a year in even numbered months on the first Tuesday, and occasionally for special sessions. Some consultation and information exchange occurs via email between meetings. Larry Abell is the current chair of the Parish Council.
The Finance Council plays a unique role of stewardship over material blessings and resources of the parish and her many ministries under the direction of the pastor. The council is convened to engage in prayerful, professional, and informed discernment of financial policies and activities as they affect the pastoral life of the parish and school. The Finance Council is constituted in accord with Canon 537 of the code of Canon Law. It is the responsibility of the council to “aid the pastor in the administrative of parish goods” possessing a consultative voice only and governed by norms determined by the archdiocesan bishop (#536.2). Responsibilities of the Finance Council include, but are not limited to, developing and overseeing a parish budget process, providing for financial controls and analysis of financial reports, review and approval of annual operating budgets and new facility expenditures, review of extraordinary expenditures and review of investment policies for liquid assets of the parish, and oversight to ensure utilization of ArchIndy Internal Controls. The Finance Council ordinarily meets 6 times a year in even numbered months on the third Tuesday, and occasionally for special sessions. Consultation and information exchange occurs via email between meetings, especially monthly financial reports. Paul Glaser is the current chair of the Finance Council.
The Liturgy Committee ensures the faithful and uplifting celebration of the Holy Mass and other liturgical services here at Holy Family Parish. Members schedule and plan special and ordinary liturgical celebrations of the parish. The committee assists in the recruitment and training of various liturgical roles and ministers. Members of this committee coordinate arts and environment of the church with the various liturgical seasons and celebrations. The Liturgy Committee ordinarily meets 6 times a year in odd numbered months on the second Tuesday. Paul Stiller is the new chair of the Liturgy Committee.
Our Holy Family family serves Christ and the Church together in prayer and faith, through engagement of the pastor, the staff, the parish leadership and all engage parishioners.
+ Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God. +
Holy Family, Saintly Father, Blessed Mother, Divine Son, Pray for us.
~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries