Browsing Pastor's Notes

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Some Thank You’s are in order. Several parishioners have dedicated tremendous time and energy to make Holy Family run smoothly. Many of them have done so behind the scenes and some have been well known. Yet, they deserve a thank you for their dedication, hard work, and magnanimous offering of time and talents for the well-being of our parish.

Thank you to Mark Falkenstein for more than 9-years on the Liturgy Committee, serving 8 years as the chairperson. Mark is not leaving the committee but he has stepped down as chair. He will be giving more energy to lector coordination & training, something about which he is passionate and has been assisting with for the last couple of years. Mark also blesses us with his singing voice as a regular cantor for the Liturgies. He is a man of many talents… including trying to keep the pastor on point during Liturgy Meetings – no small undertaking.

With some folks rolling off the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Finance Council, I am looking for new colleagues. If you or someone you know would bring a faithful, Spirit-filled, mission-oriented, community-minded, Catholic-Christian perspective to these committees with some practical skill sets, I’d be open to your name. Both of these groups currently meet every other month, so the time commitment is pretty modest, with some minor review and feedback requests between gatherings

Thank you to Tricia Walls for her 9 years on the Parish Pastoral Council. Tricia brought great insights on the importance of school engagement, welcome and hospitality as a parish, and just general purpose Common Sense, which was of great help. A recent accomplishment is her co-help getting the new St Elizabeth’s Women & Children Monday Dinners Ministry. Tricia brought keen insights on our organizational health and kept us focused on the mission of building greater communion and union among our members.

Thank you to Brad Michels for his 9 years on Finance Council. Brad provided great historical insights for the financial well-being of the parish and school. He likewise gave current counsel to guide the good stewardship of the financial and material gifts of the parish. His was a clear voice with steady resolve and sound wisdom. We appreciate his openness, dedication, and generosity. He’s also great at frying fish!

There are so many volunteers around the parish. No doubt, I would do better to specifically name and thank many, many more of you. Those who assist at liturgical ministries, cutting our grass and taking care of the physical plant, volunteer catechist and small group leaders, youth chaperones, the many hands to help our school perform so splendidly, athletic coaches and spirt supporters. The Holy Family family thrives because of the heart & soul of our dedicated members, parishioners, and volunteers. Thank you! If you are interested in getting more engaged – and increased engagement leads to increased satisfaction and connection, you might look at our Mission Opportunity page < > or reach out to me directly.


In an effort to help ensure that every parish is a safe environment for all persons, young and old, well-established and first-timer, especially those who might be considered vulnerable, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is asking all parishes to move toward inviting, encouraging, expecting all volunteers to complete Safe Parish, even if your direct contact with minors is limited. Safe Parish is the name of the safe environment and child protection program utilized by parishes and organizations throughout the Archdiocese. The program builds awareness of how to recognize and report physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and child sexual abuse. The goal is to share the responsibility of ensuring the respectful and dignified treatment of each and every person who interacts or engages with the parish among all members of the parish. If you volunteer at Holy Family, please invest your time in building a community concerned for the well-being of all. It helps us truly live as the Holy Family family. Visit: (Instructions are on our site.)


+ Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God. +


Holy Family, Saintly Father, Blessed Mother, Divine Son, Pray for us.

~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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