Browsing Pastor's Notes

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are not far off from our first day of school and filling the hallways with joy, laughter, and learning once again! While our students are on summer break, we have been busy preparing our school for the quickly approaching school year. 

Many changes have taken place in our humanities hallway. The heating and air were updated, added drop ceilings, new carpet, and paint. Our second-grade classrooms will be in this hallway, along with the art, music, and library classrooms. We are excited to have our second graders back on the first floor. That renovation allowed us to make changes in other parts of the school. Sixth grade will move back into the intermediate hallway. We have added a “learning lobby” in our middle school area for our middle school students. I know they will love this space! We put new flooring in the restrooms outside the church and the kitchen. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t seen it yet! Safety is important to us, and to help ensure that we have added shatter-proof window tinting on all outside doors, including the church doors. 

Enrollment in our school has increased by 33% each year since I became the principal. We proudly offer a strong, rigorous curriculum that prepares our students for high school and beyond. The teachers continue to work through the summer, preparing for the upcoming school year. Many teachers and I recently attended the St. John Bosco conference in Steubenville, Ohio. We enjoyed the conference and were able to renew our minds, hearts, and skills. I am proud of all our faculty and staff as they always work to better themselves and want to provide only the best for our Eagles!

All of this would not be possible without the support of the Parish. I cannot thank the Parish enough for all that you do to help make Holy Family School & Preschool a success. I am excited to begin this school year. 


Keep us in your prayers; we will do the same for you!

Amy Huber



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