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The Holy Family

Appreciation for Aaron Noll Aaron’s 12-month Pastoral Year of Ministry here at HF is coming to a close this weekend. If you see him around the Parish, please thank him, promise prayers for him and wish him well as he returns to St Meinrad to finish his studies.

As was announced at the Christmas Masses, I pray you will join me in a journey as we move into this new year. As we continue the excitement and joy of the National Eucharistic Revival to reinvigorate your life in Christ present truly, really, fully in the Eucharist. This is an invitation to participate radical and total in the gift to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

My prayer is that as a Holy Family family we can be ever more, each day, centered on Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Not just in the Mass, but in our day to day pilgrimage as saints on our way to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Together as a parish we will consecrate ourselves to Jesus on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Sunday February 2nd at all our weekend Masses. Start your daily prayers, reflections, and encounters with Christ with the booklets starting on January 1st.

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory will help you learn the astonishing history of the Eucharist, meet saints who lived in Eucharistic Glory, and experience spiritual communion with God – in an easy-to-follow daily format! Each reflection takes no more than 5 minutes to read, but I encourage you to give of yourself for 15 minutes to sit with in silent prayer and meditation the content & challenge of each day’s reflection. If you want greater Love, Joy, Peace, & Patience, what you want is Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ Truly Present in the Eucharist.

This parish wide initiative is not just another program. It is an invitation to participate in a sacred journey with your Holy Family family to greater Communion & Union with Christ and one another. It is a time to discover all that you are, all that you can be, and all that you will be in Jesus Christ in fellowship with your Holy Family. It’s time to embrace Eucharistic Glory and let Christ Renew His Eucharistic Family.

What better way to celebrate our parish feast day than to embark on a Family Pilgrimage together?

We are still accepting contributions to build a Home for a Holy Family in Haiti at the Kobonal Mission area in partnership with Cross Catholic International. Donations may be placed in the offering basket at Mass with “Home for Haiti” in the check memo line or by contributing to the appeal on Faith Direct (the Holy Family e-giving site). I am grateful in advance for your immense generosity.

Holy Family Parish Office is still CLOSED until Thursday, January 2, 2025, for the Holiday Break.

+ Nothing less than saints for the Holy Family of God. +

Holy Family, Perfect Model of the Christian Family, Pray for us.

~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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