Browsing Pastor's Notes

The Epiphany of the Lord

Today, we recall the Magi “opening their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Mt 2:11). It is natural – spiritual! – to pause to consider what gifts to I bring to Christ? My wealth? My prayers? My sufferings? Hmmm…. maybe the best answer would be whole self – all that I am. After all, what can we give to Christ that He has not first given to us? And where is this most powerfully present than in the Eucharist, where Jesus Christ gives Himself totally, really, sacramentally to us. Our love of God is possible, because He first loved us (I John 4:19). Similarly, our gift to God is because God has first gifted Himself to us.

I hope you have begun to dive into the booklet 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory so as to draw closer to Christ. The booklet helps us learn the astonishing history of the Eucharist, meet saints who lived in Eucharistic Glory, and experience spiritual communion with God. Engaging our hearts and minds in communion with God apart from Mass, builds up the healthy hunger we have for Christ in Mass. Personal prayer feeds communal worship and communal worship sends us forth in personal prayer.

In the introduction to 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory, Matthew Kelly state, “If you believe, you don’t leave.” It is the same sentiment & truth Peter stated when he responded to Jesus after the Bread of Life discourse, ‘Master, to whom should we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life” (Jn 6:68). Knowing & believing in Jesus Christ, knowing & believing in Jesus Christ present in the Word of God, knowing & believing in Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, is the single source that leads us to Way, the Truth, and the Life. Such deep knowledge & belief will keep you close to our Lord and strengthen you in times of trial or temptation.

This same knowledge & belief is the first step in Walking with One. You are called to bring others to Christ, but that means you must first know where to find Him. And there is no better place than in the Word made Flesh of the Eucharist. Together as a parish, we will consecrate ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist at the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Sunday February 2nd at all our weekend Masses. Continue your daily prayers, reflections, and encounters with Christ.

I realize November and December are very full months. So, if you have not yet returned a United Catholic Appeal pledge card for the annual Archdiocese of Indianapolis Appeal, I would invite you to do so. As in years, past, I am less concerned with meeting our goal and or the amount of your contribution, as I am with our parish participation & engagement. Even if you cannot make a contribution at this time, I would ask you to return your card. Thank you.


We are still accepting contributions to build a Home for a Holy Family in Haiti at the Kobonal Mission area in partnership with Cross Catholic International. Donations may be placed in the offering basket at Mass with “Home for Haiti” in the check memo line or by contributing to the appeal on Faith Direct (the Holy Family e-giving site). I am grateful in advance for your immense generosity.


Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.

Holy Family, Perfect Model of the Christian Family, Pray for us.

~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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