Browsing Pastor's Notes

The Baptism of the Lord

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory

When I pre-read the 33 Days book, it inspired me to spend four weeks preaching about the Last Four Things – Death, Judgment, Hell & Heaven back in November & December. In the Day 3 reflection by Matthew Kelly, he discusses the common phrase, “Live like you were dying.” That has a much, much different meaning for a Catholic Christian. We are mindful that we are going to die. And yes, it means we need to live this moment – every moment – as if we were going to die. Not with morbidity or fear, nor with reckless abandon so as to ‘suck the  marrow out of life (because its passing away), but with purpose & intention. We are not just randomly moving through the cosmos. Rather, the Creator of the Cosmos is drawing us to Himself. He longs for intimate union & communion with His Beloved Creatures – you & I. How wonderful, unfathomable & amazing?!

This weekend we recall liturgically, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by John the Baptist. Jesus had no sins from which to repent or be ‘washed clean.’ He did not share in the ‘original sin’ of all humanity, because of His divine Incarnation of the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Mother Mary. And yet, He did participate in Baptism to prepare the way for us to participate in “Sonship” (or “Daughtership”) of God the Father. He sanctified those waters of Baptism, so that they could give us new life. And just as Jesus’ Baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry leading to the Cross & Resurrection, your baptism and mine marked the same beginning. It was the first step on Christ’s pathway to the Cross & Resurrection. It is with our baptism that we died with Christ in the waters of the Font so as to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It was with Baptism, that we were tasked with the holy mission reminder – Live like you were dying. Dying to self. Dying to the world. Dying in Christ. For there is where Life – Eternal Life resides. Contemplating the Eucharist at Mass & Adoration keeps this missionary reminder in front of our eyes. Consecration to Christ in the Eucharist makes this Eternal Life present in us now.

The Saints we have read about Days 8 to 12 – Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pope John Paul II, Therese of Lisieux, Maximilian Kolbe, Thomas Aquinas, (and Sister Faustina – Day 13) were all Catholic Christian persons who lived like they were dying in Christ. They lived their baptismal vocation. They lived lives in Communion with Christ, especially present in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Jesus started, strengthened, and sustained them on their way to sanctity & saintliness. The same Eucharistic Jesus wants to do the same for you in this consecration – in each act of virtue leading to Communion with Christ.

This is the last week we will be accepting contributions to build a Home for a Family in Haiti at the Kobonal Mission area in partnership with Cross Catholic International. “From everyone to whom much was given, much will be expected” (Lk 12:48). This parish continues to embrace responsibilities by generously sharing its blessings in amazing ways. Thank you to those many of you who have supported this missionary outreach. Donations may be placed in the offering basket at Mass with “Home for Haiti” in the check memo line or by contributing to the appeal on Faith Direct (the Holy Family e-giving site).


Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.

Holy Family, Dying in Christ so as to Live in Christ, Pray for us.

~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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