Browsing Pastor's Notes

Second Sunday of Advent

Teens of Holy Family Parish spent a weekend learning about faith and the Church, making new friends from all around the nation, and encountering the Lord in new and exciting ways. At the National Catholic Youth Conference, 18 young people at Holy Family and 135 students from the New Albany Deanery traveled to Indianapolis for an event attended by over 12,000 teens and chaperones. This conference offers opportunities for the young Church to explore faith and their relationship with Christ through breakout sessions, prayer and the sacraments, and fellowship with the greater Church. 

NCYC changed the direction of my life in 2013 and it was a joy to journey with our teens to a conference that has meant so much to me! The theme of this year’s conference was “Ablaze,” a reference to the Pentecost in Acts 2, where the disciples encounter the Holy Spirit and its power. We were reminded of the reality that that same Spirit dwells within each of us. We heard witnesses from passionate and life-giving people: Steve Angrisano, Mark Hart, Sr. Miriam-James Heidland, and Chika Anyanwu. 

Sam Blank, a freshman at Floyd Central, shares her experience: When I was planning on going to NCYC I didn’t really know what to expect, especially with covid restrictions. I’d heard people talk about how they encountered God, but if I’m being honest, I was a little skeptical how this could happen but it did. I think it really happened for me when we were at Adoration, and I was talking to God, when all of a sudden the room went silent. It was a type of silence I’d never experienced before. At that moment I could feel God in my body. It was the best experience I think I’ve ever felt. That’s when I knew I was meant to be there that night. I can’t wait to go back.” 

And Mark Millay, a sophomore at Providence, speaks about his “great experience”: “It taught me a lot about myself and led to many new friendships. Through NCYC I learned many new and fun ways about how to connect with God. It amazed me how many teenagers were there becoming closer to God. NCYC was great and I can’t wait to do it again.” 

Sam and Mark are just two examples of how the Lord worked in the few days we were at NCYC. Please pray for the continued transformation of these students and that their encounters at NCYC may bear fruit for the Kingdom! 

Thank you to all of you that supported us in our fundraising efforts. You made this trip possible for the students that attended! We look forward to seeing you at our next NCYC Pancake Breakfast! 

In His Joy,

Abbi Hamm
Youth Minister 



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