Browsing Pastor's Notes

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Holy Family welcomes back Deacon Michael Clawson as our homilist this weekend. He is studying for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and hails from Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Brazil, Indiana. He is in his final year of studies at St Meinrad and has been participating in ministry opportunities at Holy Family on Wednesdays, especially with visits to residents in our local nursing care facilities and as guest lecturer in our RCIA program. Deacon Michael is a living example of your UCA contributions at work! Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares for Ordination to the Priesthood on Saturday 04 June 2022!

40 Hours with Mary waiting for Jesus will run Friday, December 3 through Sunday, December 5 as a way to prepare our hearts-minds-souls for the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. In this Year of St Joseph, it will be a blessed opportunity to come alongside St Joseph to observe with holy fear the wondrous Work of God to save us from our Sins. This fulfillment of the Messianic Promise to King David, Joseph’s honored ancestor. Plan to join.

This is Pledge Weekend for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis United Catholic Appeal. United in the Eucharist is the theme this year. The Eucharist, as has often been said, is the Source and Summit of our Catholic Christian Faith – for the Eucharist is Christ Truly Present to us here & now & always. The whole of our Christian life flows from the Eucharist and back to the Eucharist. For our source is Christ. He is the Word, not only by which the heavens and the earth were created, but the very Word by which you and I were lovingly, tenderly, intentionally created. He is our source and origin. And it is for the purpose of a lived relationship and intimate communion with Christ that we profess Christ and live Christ until at the culmination of this earthly life we are received by Christ as our perfect summit and salvation in heaven.

United in the Eucharist is a great theme for this year also because the Mission of Christ and the Church is to bring people into the True Presence of Christ in the communion of the Church. We live this life personally and communally. We need one another. It is the Eucharist that feeds our Parish Family and parishioner families. It is in and from the Eucharist we are evangelized, catechized, and sanctified. It is the Eucharist that centers the life and ministry of all the clergy and religious – often literally around the Altar of God – offering thanksgiving and providing the Sacraments and Scriptural teaching. It is the Eucharist that sends us forth to “Glorify the Lord by our Lives” in service to the needy, the homeless, the uneducated, the underserved. The Eucharist unites us!

I encourage every household to make a pledge and contribution to the UCA. I expect every household to submit a pledge card, even if at this time, you cannot make a financial contribution or pledge to the UCA.  Your returned pledge card with or without a pledge or contribution contributes to the parish participation rate. I’ve already made a pledge, and I invite you to do the same.

Holy Family, Full of Gratitude & Thanksgiving, Pray for us.

~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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