United Catholic Appeal – United in the Eucharist Archdiocesan Campaign
Pledge Weekend is November 04-05
This annual appeal helps to support a number of ministries and mission outreach that are larger than any single parish or deanery, including the education of our seminarians. Of which Holy Family is happy to be hosting one from the Archdiocese for weekly ministry – Aaron Noll. Aaron is with us this weekend at Masses. You may mail your pledge card in directly (I know some of you have already done this), or you may bring your completed card to the parish next week and it will be collected and submitted for you. As I’ve said in past years, even if you cannot pledge financial support at this time, please complete and return the card. I’m much more interested in full participation than dollars raised.
All registered members of Holy Family Parish should receive UCA information in the mail this week, if not already.
Perhaps you’ve heard, there will be a National Eucharistic Congress held in Indianapolis next July 17-21, 2024. Plans are being made for 80,000 pilgrims to attend this encouraging, catechetical & faith enlivening experience. Scores of national speakers, Adoration, Breakout Sessions, Confession, Displays, Devotions, and encounters with Christ in the Eucharist in the Universal Church. You might think of this as a National Catholic Youth Conference for Adults, a super mega-retreat, and tent revival all wrapped into one. It is promised to challenge you and call you to greater holiness and equip you to be a better disciple and follower of Jesus Christ in the Church.
If you and members of your family would like to attend, Holy Family would like to help sponsor you. Tickets are already on sale. Reach out to me.
Solemnity of All Saints
Wednesday November 1st + Mass times are 8a, noon, and 6p
All Catholics are expected to attend Mass on All Saints as if it were a Sunday celebration. Consider it a pre-party for your hopeful one-day incorporation in their noble numbers. We need their example, their witness, their intercessions, their accompaniment on the road to heaven. It is a wonderful opportunity to remember the history of the Church and Her members. It is a wonderful opportunity to be inspired to become what you were created to be. For much of the past year, you’ve seen the words “Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.” That is my hope and prayer for you, for me, for each and every one of us. That is the mission, the purpose, the goal behind our parish, behind Christ’s gift of the Church. To be saints and nothing less. To give of ourselves in selfless sacrifice after the Love of the Lord. Nothing less than being and becoming a saint will do. For to be less than a saint would be the tragedy of attaining less than heaven. It will take God’s Grace and Goodness – yes, but it takes your willingness and commitment. It takes your openness and availability. It takes your prayer and repentance. It takes nothing less than loving God and neighbor like Jesus and the Saints. What will you do with your head, heart, and hands to be holy and to share holiness with others? How will you become more a saint this week?
+ Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God. +
Inspired by the Holy Family, we actively encounter Christ by…
Sharing the Gospel through prayer, Scriptures, and Sacraments
Forming intentional disciples within our parish and community
Engaging in fellowship as Catholic Christians
Serving others generously and sacrificially
Holy Family, Protectors of Life, Pray for us.
~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries