Homes for Haiti!
This is the second Sunday of preparation for the wonderful celebration of Christmas! We are all familiar with the story of our Lord’s first coming in Bethlehem. The “no room in the inn”. The Stable. The manger. And that lack of reception, of warm welcome, of finding a place for our Lord has been at the heart of Holy Family’s annual Advent Build a Home collaboration with Cross Catholic International. Since 2020, we have underwritten the construction of 3 homes for people living in substandard “housing” – often little more than some scraps of wood, a bit of corrugated steel, & plastic tarps – into new, clean, secure, masonry block, finished concrete floors & waterproof roofs. We have helped 1 family in Haiti and 2 families in Guatemala. We are headed back to Haiti for Advent 2024.
Every Advent, the Gospel message focuses on hoping, waiting and rejoicing. We hope in the promise of God, who restores his relationship with us through his only Son. We wait for the coming of Jesus, both in the world and in our hearts. We rejoice in God’s redemptive plan as the Blessed Virgin Mary did in her song of praise: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1). Just as Mary rejoiced in God’s mercy toward his people, so should we desire to extend his love and mercy to the poor and hopeless in the world today. That’s why, as a parish family, we are participating in a special mission to bring hope to struggling families in Haiti. Growing up in an impoverished region, many children in rural Haiti live in homes exposed to inclement weather, resort to drinking unsafe water that exposes them to disease and often must sacrifice school because the cost is too great a burden for their families. In fact, with many poor families struggling to put food on the table, a sturdy roof and uninterrupted education are considered luxuries. These needs are especially felt as volatility in the small nation’s capital city of Port-au-Prince continues to increase. With the escalation of political unrest, even those who were not struggling financially have had to migrate into the countryside to seek refuge, adding to the economic problems and social challenges the poor must face. Praise God, there is a beacon of hope for this struggling nation — the Kobonal Haiti Mission.
I recently spoke with Erika Kvak, Cross Catholic Development Officer, about their work. She recognized the sad news we are hearing out of Haiti. There is tremendous instability, particularly in Port-au-Prince. From the folks on the ground, it is slightly better out in the more rural areas, especially as one gets closer to the Dominican Republic border. That is where the Kobonal Haiti Mission is located and where our next home will be built. Their supplies lines come directly from the Dominican Republic. The home building is done by local persons, giving them the dignity of work while providing better futures. The young children pictured above are from the Kobonal Mission area. I once again invite you to join me in providing one more “room” for our shelter-less Lord this Christmas. You might enjoy the 5-minute video showing you the people & place we will be helping.
Donations for the Lord’s New Home can be dropped off in the offering basket at Mass by putting “Home for Haiti” in the check memo line or by contributing to the appeal on Faith Direct (the Holy Family e-giving site).
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
A Holy Day of Obligation & Opportunity
Masses at 8a (with our school students), noon, and 6p
Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.
Holy Family, Receptive to the Coming of Christ, Pray for us.
~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries