Browsing Pastor's Notes

1st Sunday of Advent

Blessed Advent!

We begin our four weeks of preparation for the wonderful celebration of Christmas! We are all familiar with the story of our Lord’s first coming in Bethlehem. The “no room in the inn”. The Stable. The manger. The Angles. The shepherds. The Ox & Ass. The poverty & humility. The glory & wonder. Rightly so, Christ’s Birth is celebrated and central.

Yet, as we will hear in the readings of Advent, we also prepare for Christ’s Second Coming. His return will lack so many essentially “Christmas” type elements. He will not return as a defenseless infant child. His return will not be some quiet event in a sleepy small town. There will be no Silent Night. His return will be manifest in power. His first coming was an act of mercy. His return will be judgment. His first coming was to offer salvation.

His first coming was to teach & preach; His return will be the examination of what we’ve learn & implemented. His return will be to sort out those who accepted it from those who did not. His first coming was to show us the Way of the Cross, the power of sacrifice, and the significance of suffering offered to the Father. His return will be for return with Him to heaven, Resurrection, and reward.

Few of us like to think about or prayerfully ponder this Holy Message of Christmas. We like to pacify it with lights and self-serving gifts. Yet, Advent is as much a chance to rejoice in His First Coming, as it is to prepare now for His Second.

The days are coming, says the Lord. (Jer 33:14)


Unite Catholic Appeal – United in the Eucharist – Archdiocesan Campaign

The needs of the ministries in our archdiocese are greater than any one person or parish can handle. But when we all come together, united, we can make a true difference in the lives of thousands of our brothers and sisters who need our love and support. What ministries are supported by the UCA:

Nothing Less than saints for the Holy Family of God.

Holy Family, Receptive to the Coming of Christ, Pray for us.


~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries


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