Archbishop Thompson recently appointing me to a 3-yr term as Dean of the New Albany Deanery starting 01 July 2021. I am honored (and a little surprised) to serve in this new capacity. The primary duties of the Dean are to coordinate work among neighboring parishes and to liaison between the archbishop and the local priests. There will be some additional quarterly meetings in Indianapolis, as well as meetings with New Albany Deanery ministries of Catalyst Catholics and Providence High School. I did serve as Dean of the Connersville Deanery from July 2012 to June 2018, but the New Albany Deanery is much larger and more involved. I look forward to assisting the archbishop, my brother priests, and the People of God in the New Albany Deanery in this new capacity.
Each year, the two weeks starting with the Feast days of St Thomas More and St John Fisher on June 22 up till the Fourth of July are promoted by the US Catholic Conference of Bishops as “Religious Freedom Week”. Among the many freedoms provided us in this country includes our First Amendment rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” First stated and perhaps most important among gravely important rights, is our right to live, worship, and practice our religious Faith and relationship to God and neighbor. All people desire to know their Creator. All people have a natural impulse to seek the good and to live in accordance with that good. All people can flourish when they pursue the truth about God and respond to the truth. Religious freedom means that all people have the space to flourish. Religious freedom is both an American value and an important part of Catholic teaching on human dignity. When we promote religious freedom, we promote the common good and thus strengthen the life of our nation and the community of nations.
One of the best ways to protect your Religious Freedom is not legal activism but rather to actively live and practice your religious faith in your day-to-day life. Witnessing by word and deed to the value, importance, and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes a clear stand. Utilizing the Catholic Faith in decision-making and setting personal, family, and communal priorities reminds us that Religious Freedom is not abstract but deeply practical in a pluralistic world. If your religious faith is not important enough to be lived, it’s hardly important enough to be protected. Live your Religious Freedom – simply, charitably, confidently. Learn more at!
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Andreas “Dre” & Jamie (Bell) Kapsalis. They were married here this weekend at Holy Family. Jamie is a Holy Family School alumnus and former member of the parish. She and Dre both live and work in Indianapolis, but she wanted to come ‘home’ to Holy Family for the big day and beginning of their married life together. We wish you a blessed marriage, full of love, grace, and peace in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Holy Family, Protected & Led by Joseph, Pray for us.
~ Fr Jeremy M. Gries